Perfecting Your Love

“When I read Shambala Sun or Tricycle I wonder who these people are. They admit to an occasional, random thought but it’s clear they’re all becoming enlightened; or at least able to dwell in clear and empty space. Or those Yoga Journal people where everyone is thin, composed, and bends in all directions. Or Fortune, where everyone’s a millionaire, a captain of success.
So where, I ask, is the magazine for failure? For thirty years of falling and recalling, ‘Oh yes, be here now’ again. For the continual recovering from the storms. The endless repairing of the ship and the broken sails. For this thick and heavy middle age body barely bending. For the immense gratitude in meeting once again next week’s payroll, next month’s rent.
It’s not really about perfecting yourself as I said in the first talk. It’s about perfecting your love. That’s what matters in this life.”
~ Jack Kornfield, Heart Wisdom Podcast Ep. 59, 47:55
I love this quote. I’ve heard Jack repeat it in several of his talks, podcasts, and writings. We are so surrounded by marketing campaigns advertising the ‘good life.’ We all know that sex and beauty sells. But so does the air-brushed image of inner wisdom, calm, stillness, or perfection making us once again feel less-than, not good enough, or maybe just talking us out of even trying for or believing in a higher vision of ourselves.
Sometimes the silly things share a more accurate image of truth in life quietly outshining Madison Avenue’s view of what we should be:
“You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it people like you!”
~ Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley
I know it’s hard sometimes, but when the shadows come try to gently turn your attention to how those you love feel about you. Consider those people in your life who you’ve cared for and supported for so long; they too have care and support for you.
I really do believe this life isn’t about perfecting ourselves, it’s about perfecting our love.

1 thought on “Perfecting Your Love”

  1. This I love! It is with aging that I have come to realize this is so true. My children are showing me the love that I feel for them. No matter how imperfect I have been, they know and I know the love runs deeply.

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