Working with Zane

I am passionate about working with adults as they navigate their way from where they are to where they most want to be. I help adults create, achieve, and maintain their highest vision of who they are.

What does that mean though, the highest vision of who you are? It is that definable aspect, both internal and external, of the very best of you. It is the ideal of you living your purest, most fluid, unclouded image of your life. It is not, however, a static vision. It is not something that when you reach it, that's it -- you've arrived. It is always changing just as your individual experience, wisdom, and insight is always changing.

In so very many ways human beings are more the same than we are different. We all want to be happy, healthy, and free from worry and suffering. We all have or have had dreams of a better tomorrow, pasts that have included light and darkness, and for most of us a rather unsteady or uncertain relationship with the present. 

We all have times in our lives where we need an accountability partner. Someone who will help us create and follow strategies for becoming unstuck. I have significant experience in developing personalized approaches to help you get from where you are to where you most want to be.

Often referred to as Life Coaching, the practice involves providing insight, feedback, and guidance in an active relationship to help you overcome a particular obstacle you're currently struggling with through a specific, personalized approach. One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to life change. Coaching is just one tool used in helping adults move from where they are to where they most want to be. Human Design work, Mindfulness & Meditation practice, and a deep inquiry into your inner landscape all combine to shed light on a smoother path toward transistion and transformation.

Since graduating from the Coach Training Alliance in 2003 I have continued to develop and refine my practice of 4-Room Coaching model. The four rooms we are all familiar with are Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit. Each of us typically have a primary and secondary room where we most "hang out," often leaving the other two rooms a bit cluttered, dusty, or maybe even ignored. 

I've learned in my practice that when a client hires me for a specific challenge it is very often closely tied to other aspects in their life. I've also seen while working on that initial challenge the client discovers the true obstacle that has been blocking the forward movement they've been seeking. Coaching is fluid and flexible. 

I utilize both Eastern and Western approaches to help you along your journey. I also rely on the wisdom and experience of others to help personalize your program. Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit... Each "room" is a deeply important aspect of you that makes you fully who you are. How you think, how you move, how you feel, and your sense of connection to something outside of yourself (or not) all combine to provide the lens through which you view the world and also the window through which the world views you.

Our Story

Sandra Wood and I met as professional coaches over a decade and a half ago. Since that time we have been working with individuals and groups wanting to realize positive change and alignment with their personal goals, dreams, and ideals,.

Combining our different approaches, techniques, and skillsets has created a gentle yet powerful coaching method keeping your highest values in mind. We each maintain our independent coaching practices while flowing togther when needed for the best interest of our clients.

Through this partnership we also created Discover Life Balance, a networked hub of professionals focused on helping you reach the best You imaginable. This work-in-progress has been a long time coming.

Discover Life Balance

Discover Life Balance is a collection of professionals who are gifted in helping adults gather together all of the chaotic strings of their lives and move into that deep realm of passion and possibility. You can click on the images below to be taken to their individual sites. This is a new work-in-progress. We are desiging this network to allow you easier access to gifted individuals that align with our personal and professional beliefs. Please continue to check back.

Zane Darner

Life Coach, Mindfulness Guide, Meditation Teacher

Zane's gifted ability to encourage, uplift, and inspire reminds the adults he works with that this life is a precious journey to be navigated with joy and curiosity.

  • Life Coaching: Zane  gained his coaching certification through Coach Training Alliance in 2005 and have continued study in a variety of methodologies, lineages, and styles to better work with clients.
  • Mindfulness Practices: After over 35 years of study and practice Zane is passionate about helping adults who want to gain clarity, insight, concentration, and an in-the-moment focus in their lives by helping them slow down, catch their breath, and better understand their true personal obstacles and challenges.

Adults working with Zane discover their unique design through a gentle exploration of their personal strengths while learning to reach toward goals using their own specific un-tapped talents rather than using one-size-fits-all approaches.

Zane believes that by only focusing on life's external aspects we often miss our target by not understanding how the importance our inner landscape plays upon our daily lives.

Sandra Wood

Women's Transformation Coach, Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Sandra Wood is a multi-passionate and intuitive women’s transformation coach. Drawing upon her eighteen years of coaching experience, Sandra has dedicated her work to helping women overcome relationship challenges and reclaim their personal power. She believes that women often prioritize the needs of others at the expense of their own well-being, and she is here to provide the support and guidance needed to make transformative leaps from unfulfillment to connecting with their soul purpose.

Women working with Sandra discover their courage, reconnect with their self-worth, and create the joyous and supportive relationships they have always dreamed of. Sandra understands that time is precious, and she empowers her clients to embrace the idea of having it all and having it all now. Through her coaching, women learn to navigate boundaries, cultivate fulfilling connections, and quantum leap to create lives filled with love, respect, and extraordinary experiences.

Sandra embodies activating, creative, and strategic qualities. She is deeply attuned to her internal landscape and the dynamics of relationships. Her strengths allow her to forge deep connections with her clients, infusing positivity and genuine care into her coaching approach.



Discover Life Balance

The Discover Life Balance network is a collection of like-minded professionals gifted in their specific approach in helping adults achieve their best vision of who they most want to be. 

Please stay tuned for additions to this area...


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